3275 Martin Rd. Suite #125
Commerce Township, MI 48390

American All Stars Michigan

Office Hours
Mon & Tues: 1:00-7:45pm
Wed & Thurs: 1:00-8:00pm
Sat: 9:30am-12:30pm


Character Enhancement Program

Character Enhancement Program


meadowbrook logo




List of Monthly Words

Welcome Parent Letter


Meadowbrook Parents –

I am excited to let you know that we will continue “WOW” (Words of Wisdom) as an integral part of Meadowbrook’s Positive Behavior Support (PBS) program!  WOW is a cooperative effort between Meadowbrook and American AllStars Athletic Center designed to help our entire school community become even better at being responsible, safe, and respectful.

Beginning this month, we will introduce a word that goes along with our Meadowbrook traits of being respectful, responsible, and safe.

Thank you in advance for joining us in this endeavor.  I hope you find WOW to be a tool that helpfully goes along with what you are already teaching your children at home.

Best regards –

Christopher Peal, Principal


Testimonials from Meadowbrook Elementary Staff and Parents

“Loving WOW a ton (just in case I hadn’t already shared that)!!!!!!” – Dr. Peal (Principal)

” Just want you to know how much I appreciate your Words of Wisdom program. We families need these nuggets as we go about daily living. Have a great day!” – Paula (mom)

“I like the wall poster in the main hallway. Its a good way to connect vocabulary with modeling appropriate behavior.” – 5th grade teacher


The Words of Wisdom Character Enhancement Program, also known as WOW, was created and developed by two educators who understand the important roll that teachers and coaches play in the lives of the children they teach. They want to give other instructors the tools necessary to easily and successfully help students learn and develop character traits that will last them a life time. The easy to follow WOW talks and activity sheets are fun and engaging for a wide range of students. They have been used with students ages 3 years and up and have shown to be simple to implement and wildly successful. It only takes a little time to make a big impression; make sure it is the right one!

My n20748ame is Cortney Weaver and I am so excited to be able to introduce you to the WOW program! Working with kids has always been a passion of mine and I always knew that coaching and teaching would become a huge part of my life. I graduated from Central Michigan University with a degree in Special Education and Life Management Education. I have worked in many classrooms over the years and have been coaching gymnastics since 2000. I love working with students of all ages and skill levels. Every day is different, every student has their own story, and the excitement they bring to class is contagious! I look forward to the positive impact the WOW Character Enhancement Program will have on all students.



19922My name is Amy Kinney and I can’t wait to tell you more about the WOW program and how it will help a wide range of students. Kids are the future and as someone who has worked with many age groups I find kids to be inspiring, fun, and just plain real! I graduated from The University of Michigan with an education degree specializing in Language Arts & Math. I have taught gymnastics for over 15 years now and am the director of American Allstars Athletic Center. I enjoy watching the progress that kids make in their athletic skills, academic abilities, and social interactions. The WOW program is being implemented into all of ur classes and I know it is going to be helpful to all of our students.