3275 Martin Rd. Suite #125
Commerce Township, MI 48390

American All Stars Michigan

Office Hours
Mon & Tues: 1:00-7:45pm
Wed & Thurs: 1:00-8:00pm
Fri: 1:00-4:30pm
Sat: 9:30am-12:30pm

American Dance Academy Show 2024

“It’s Showtime!”

Here's the link for recital ticket sales:  

No refunds.  Tickets are on sale now!.



Performances will be held at South Lyon East High School – 52200 W. 10 Mile Road, South Lyon   


Performances:    Friday, June 14th at 6:00 pm

*Some dances may be requested to perform in both shows.

Please check the cast lists for your dancer’s name, which will be posted at the studio May 1st .

Fee for costume $85 per dancer.
Payable to:  American Dance Academy

Costumes will be ready for photos next week including hung in bag with dancer’s name, steamed,

and with proper tights for each costume. Proper shoes for each dance is on photo schedule.

Costumes should be worn only for photos, rehearsals, and recitals.
Costumes are not easily cleaned or repaired.

If something should happen to a costume, please do not try to fix it yourself.
Contact your dancer's teacher or the studio director for assistance.

Tights:  Each dancer’s costume includes a pair of tights.  We have included the proper brand and color to be worn with each costume to assure that the entire class will look uniform and beautiful in their photographs and on stage.  Performance tights should only be worn for picture day, dress rehearsal and recital – never in class.

We will have extra tights available at the performance for emergencies.

Advance ticket sales:  Friday, May 10th at 6:00 – 7:30 pm.  $20.00  first-come first-served. 

Or you may leave a check at the office for tickets and staff will select the best seats available.

Tickets will be available for pick-up at the office the week of  June 3rd.

Important:  Please inform us of handicap/wheelchair access requirements at the time of purchase.

Tickets at the door will cost $22.50.

*To pick-up tickets, accounts must be paid-in-full – this includes tuition, costume balances, shoes, etc.

Once the show begins, ONLY designated volunteers and staff members are allowed backstage and in dressing rooms! This area will be locked in security purposes from start to finishWe have reserved seating for both shows.  Parent seats are recorded under each dancer’s name to help locate parents in case of an emergency or backstage necessity.



Dress rehearsals will take place June 12th or June 13th  6:00 pm – 8:30 pm at South Lyon East High School Auditorium – please see the schedule posted at ADA May 6th  for your dancer’s rehearsal day & time.

Please note:  Videos and photographs may be taken at dress rehearsals ONLY, not during recital.


The ADA Parent Volunteers will be taking pre-orders for flower bouquets at the time of ticket sales.

Flowers ordered in advance will be available for pick-up in the auditorium lobby following the show.

There may be flower bouquets at the show on a first come first serve basis.   All proceeds from the flower

sales go to our ADA Student Scholarship Fund.




Please remind your guests that NO cameras are allowed inside the auditorium. The taking of videos or photographs on cell phones inside the auditorium is strictly prohibited at the recital.  Our top priority is the safety of our dancers.  Videos and pictures may be taken during dress rehearsal.  A professional video of the recital will be available for purchase – order forms will be available when purchasing tickets and at the show.

*The security staff and/or auditorium manager will be asking anyone entering with a camera to return it to their car.  If a camera is used in the auditorium, security staff will remove the camera and, if necessary, escort the person out of the high school.


A successful show requires a large amount of dedication and hard work.  While the Academy provides all the wonderful extras, it is the ADA staff and parents that make the show possible.  These individuals volunteer their time at show preparation, dress rehearsals, and performances to produce a quality show for your dancers, their families, and guests.

"ADA Dad Crew" is a great way for Dads to get involved with their daughters!  These devoted dads offer their time to help with the set-up and tear-down of the show, work as stage crew, or help with tickets or security at the auditorium doors.  Please contact the office if you’d like to be involved.

ADA Moms, we need your help too! 

Parent supervision in the dressing rooms and other student areas is vital for a successful show.

We also need volunteers to help with flowers in the lobby, tickets, etc.   If your dancer has a dance in both shows, it would be appreciated if you could volunteer to help for one show and you can watch your child’s dance from backstage or the back of the auditorium.  (No ticket purchase required for volunteers).

SOUTH LYON COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD has granted American Dance Academy use of this facility.

Staff, dancers, and parents must comply with the following SLCS policies:

NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED IN THE AUDITORIUM. Do not bring these items in purses or bags.

Alcohol is NOT permitted on the school property, including parking lots.

No smoking on the high school property, including parking lots, or outside buildings.

All children must be supervised inside and outside the auditorium, including the dancer's siblings.

There is no climbing, running in the aisles, playing in the seats etc. during dress rehearsals and performances.


We appreciate your dedication and cooperation during this exciting time of year.

Formal dance productions are an important part of your child's dance education and an extension of the benefits derived from training in the performing arts.  Your commitment to ensuring a positive and successful experience for everyone is greatly appreciated.  Thank you from the entire staff and teachers!