3275 Martin Rd. Suite #125
Commerce Township, MI 48390

American All Stars Michigan

Office Hours
Mon & Tues: 1:00-7:45pm
Wed & Thurs: 1:00-8:00pm
Fri: 1:00-4:30pm
Sat: 9:30am-12:30pm

September 2023-May 2024

Enroll now!

Join the American Allstars Baton Twirl & Tumble class! Learn basic twirls, marching, tumbling, and parade routine will be learned during this class that meets weekly. You can bring your baton to the first night of class, or purchase one specially sized to your student after being sized by the instructor. Please wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes and have your hair tied back.

Open to both girls and boys ages 6-14.

Monday 6:45-7:45pm

Classes are taught by Ms. Rachel.

Monthy enrollment is $99. New to baton? Call to register for a free trial class!

Please enter through the gymnastics entrance off of Martin Rd.