ALL Campers should bring clean tennis shoes, wear comfortable clothing and bring a snack.
$42/day for each camp or $179 for the full week
Traditional Karate (4-12 yrs)
Spend each day learning traditional kata, sparring, and self-defense. Students who attend all 5 days of camp are eligible for their next belt (up to purple belt). Intro students are still welcome to learn the basics of each of the subjects and receive their 1st belt on the last day!
- Jul 24-28 9:00-12:00
Weapons (6-14 yrs)
Learn a traditional Okinawan weapon during the week. Students will learn weapons basics, traditional weapon safety, and an entire weapon kata. Weapon progression is as follows: bo, nunchucks, then sai. Students must preorder a weapon at least 7 days in advance to ensure they have it for the camp.
- Jul 24-28 1:00-4:00
A Little Bit of Everything (6-12 yrs)
Throughout the week kids will do a variety of activities including karate, gymnastics, baton twirling, swinging on the rings, rockwall, trampoline & more!
- Jul 10-14 1:00-4:00
- Jul 31-Aug 4 1:00-4:00
A Little Bit of Everything Jr. (4-6 yrs)
Throughout the week kids will do a variety of activities including karate, gymnastics, baton twirling, swinging on the rings, rockwall, trampoline & more!
- Jul 10-14 1:00-4:00
- Jul 31-Aug 4 1:00-4:00